West Lombok - Head of Company PT. CML Haikal said that the demonstration that was carried out by dozens of residents of Jeranjang Hamlet, Taman Ayu Village, on Wednesday (24/5/2023) was just a miscommunication.
According to Haikal, his party has communicated with community leaders and the head of the Jeranjang Hamlet, Taman Ayu Village, regarding the issue of coal loading and unloading activities to the Jeranjang PLTU.
"We leader have met and coordinated the implementation of coal loading and unloading with local residents. We will work together to load and unload coal, especially residents from Jeranjang Hamlet, Taman Ayu Village," said Haikal confirmed Sunday (28/5/2023) via WhatsApp.
During the meeting, said Haikal, the company and local residents had found a middle way to resolve tha various work promblems of residents who had not been accommodated by working to transport coal at tha Jeranjang PLTU.
"We have met with residents who demonstrated. This is for the benefit of society at large. So we will accommodate local residents who do not have a diploma to work," he said. According to Haikal, PT CML has also opened job vacancies for local residents to register to work according to the company's needs without conditions.
"Please register, we will accommodate. Let's empower local residents around PLTU Jeranjang and its surroundings," he said.
Haikal claims that the company has accommodated many local residents to work transporting coal. Both from the South Sheet Village, North Sheet Village, Kebun Ayu Village and Taman Ayu Village in the Lembar dan Gerung Districts of West Lombok.
Public Relations PT. CML Sukiman said that the company and residents had made an agreement to accommodate the local community to work together on loading and unloading coal to PLTU Jeranjang.
"We really welcome what is a joint decision and agreement so that is can be carried out properly," he said.
He also asked residents who really wanted to work to register immediately and be able to support all the work of coal loading and unloading companies at PLTU Jeranjang. Separately, Head of Jeranjang Hamlet Asnahudin admitted that he would welcome what was the policy of the management of the new coal loading and unloading company to PLTU Jeranjang to empower the people of Jeranjang Hamlet.
"On behalf of the Jeranjang hamlet community, I would like to thank the leadership of PT. CML will accommodate us and local community members who are not yet working," he said.
He alson admitted that what the community demonstrated last week was a lesson to improve coordination with companies and the hamlet goverment. Head of PT Adhi Guna Putera's Mataram branc, Agus Setiawan, said that the meeting held by PT. CML with local residents is a good step because PT. CML has been able and proven successful in empowering local residents to work for the company.
"We ask that let's embrace all figures and layers of thesurrounding community. we really appreciate PT.CML, which always provides opportunities for local residents to work in order to maintain conduciveness, security, dan the smooth process of loading and unloading coal to PLTU Jeranjang," he said.
news source https://perisainews.com/