JEPARA - PLN UIK Tanjung Jati B held a National K3 Month ceremony in the company's internal evironment last Tuesday (18/1). The rally was attended by all representatives of each company's management from the K3 or HSE/EHS fields at the Tanjung Jati B PLTU. The event, which took place at the Energo Building of the UIK TJB PLTU, presented the Head of the Pati Muktiati Regional Labor Inspection Unit, SKM, MKes. as a speaker.
This event is to commemorate the 2022 National OSH Month which takes place from 12 Januari to 12 February.
General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) Tanjung Jati B Generating Unit (PLN UIK TJB) Rachmat Azwin said in his remarks that this is a form of commitment to the slogan "Nothing is more important than the human soul". Each corporate entity in the Tanjung Jati B PLTU, in particular PT PLN UIK TJB, PT Central Java Power, PT TJB Power Services, PT KPJB, PT Adhi Guna Putera, and PT Pelayaran Bahtera Adhiguna and PT PJB Services has implemented an OHS culture in the era of industrial revolution 4.0.
Its application, based on information technology. Where is the application, to accommodate reporting of non-conformace findings on K3 aspects, technical aspects, as well as to monitor the follow-up of non-conformace findings on these findings.
"Implementation of the implementation of information technology based OSH culture has been going well in the PLTU Tanjung JAti B area. It has been proven that the maturity level in reporting "inspecta" has received a score of 4 (out of a maximum score of 5)", said Rachmat Azwin.
Rachmat Azwin also asked to raise awareness and commitment to K3. "Let's improve the OSH culture as a from of commitment to OSH to in increase awareness and compliance with OSH compliance. As well as the preparedness of all TJB PLTU employees in controlling, preventing and dealing with every risk of the company's activities that have an impact on K3," he said.
He added, as with the implementation of K3 in the company environment, PLN UIK TJB every week, PLN UIK TJB management and asset owner and operator assets collaborate and work together to carry out walkdown inspections to map all K3 needs.
The same thing was conveyed by the Head of the Labor Inspection Unit for the Pati Muktiati Region, SKM, Mkes. He conveyed the importance of awareness and commitment to K3. "In accordance with the theme of the 2022 National K3 Month "Implementation of OHS Culture in Every Business Activity to Support Workforce Protection in the Digitalization Era," the need for protection and guarantees for workers is a top priority," he said.
Meanwhile, the peak of this National K3 Month was marked by the signing of a joint K3 2022 commitment by the entire management of the Tanjung Jati B PLTU. Also the awarding of exemplary K3 employees. There were 31 employees who received awards. Including, employees or workers of the Tanjung Jati B PLTU, especially security, drivers, and cleaning services with the best application of K3 in carrying out work every day through out 2021.
Each of them was given an appreciation aimed at increasing worker discipline in implementing K3. Apart from that, this program also runs continuously avery year, so that it becomes a stimulus for worker to apply OSH in their work. Especially in each company within the Tanjung Jati B PLTU environment.