JAKARTA- Through the AGP Caring activity, PT Adhi Guna Putera spread happiness by sharing sacrificial animals with the community around the Head Office and Branch Offices which are spread throughout Indonesia. JAKARTA- Through the AGP Caring activity, PT Adhi Guna Putera spread happiness by sharing sacrificial animals with the community around the Head Office and Branch Offices which are spread throughout Indonesian.
At the moment of Eid al-Adha 1444 H, PT AGP
through the AGP care program and religious activities distributed 6 cows and 40
goats to the community around the company's environment.
After carrying out the Eid al-Adha prayers, the sacrificial animal is slaughtered in the area of each branch office, for the Head Office it is carried out at the At Taqwa mosque and Darus Salam Mosque and KODIM 02 Sawah Besar, to then be distributed to the mustahik and muqorib around the company environment.
Denny Hendri Wijaya as the Corporate Secretary in his message conveyed, PT AGP Manajement always supports TJSL and religion which is carried out by PT AGP. "The lessons that we can learn from the law of sacrifice as Islam teaches us, such as giving the best, leaving what is forbidden, always striving for good, having a sincere spirit and sharing with fellow human beings, are noble values that should be owned and applied by all of us in all our daily activities including in carrying out work, therefore the Management of PT AGP always supports the activities of religious activities with the principle that work is worship.”
While the Main Director of PT AGP said "The
annual distribution of sacrificial animals is a form of Social and
Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) concern for the company through the AGP
Cares program and religious activities, with the hope of increasing social ties
to the surrounding community so that PT AGP's presence can be felt. for the
local community”