Jakarta, Implementation of the spirit of PLN Incorporated, two subsidiaries of the PLN Pensiun Fund (DP-PLN) PT Adhi Guna Putera (AGP) and synergy Properti Pratama (SPP) are synergizing in an effort to explore growing business potential (12.06.2023), as is known together with PT AGP which is a subsidiary of the PT PLN (Persero) Pensiun Fund and PT Pelayaran Bahtera Adhiguna (BAg) which is engaged in sea transportation support services, especially for mining goods, industry and general cargo/cargo, the potential for mutual synergy with SPP which is a Construction, Building and Facility Management & Office Support company that serves: Building Construction, (Mechanical Electrical Plumbing) Cleaning Service, Engineering Consulting Services that have ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certification (SAI Global Certification).
The Main Director of SPP, Bambang Sutanto and Aji Suprayoga always the Director of Finance explained the Core Business which is tha mainstay of SPP as well as the opportunities and challenges going forward, while Denny Pranoto, as the Main Director of PT AGP was accompanied by the Director of Finance Toharudin and the Director of Operations Sumantri along with the Division Heads in each - each field present at the meeting, conveted the possibilities that could be collaborated including the fulfillment of Pilot Ship Perators and Technicians with Special Certification for placement in several Branches and Representative Offices.