Organizing loading and unloading business services, ship agency, EMKL (Sea Ship Loading Expedition) and port services that are integrated and provide added value for shareholders.
PT Adhi Guna Putera is a subsidiary of PT PLN (Persero) Pension Fund with PT Pelayaran Bahtera Adhiguna which is engaged in marine transportation support services, especially for mining, industrial and general cargo. The company has its head office on Jl. Kartini VII No. 2 and has branch offices spread across various locations in Indonesia, including in West Java, East Java, Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, West Sumatra, Riau Islands, South Kalimantan, and East Kalimantan. The composition of PT Adhi Guna Putera's share ownership in 2020 is the PLN Pension Fund at 75%, PT Pelayaran Bahtera Adhiguna at 24.98% and the Employee Cooperative of PT Pelayaran Bahtera Adhiguna at 0.02%.
The history of the development of PT Adhi Guna Putera is as follows:
The company was established under the name PT PBM Adhiguna Putera by PT Pelayaran Bahtera Adhiguna, a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) in the shipping sector, through the Notary Deed of Soeleman Ardjasasmita S.H., on March 31, 1986 based on Presidential Instruction (Inpres) number 4 of 1985. In 2009 PT Pelayaran Bahtera Adhiguna was taken over by PT PLN (Persero). In accordance with the scope of fields managed by PT PLN (Persero), PT Pelayaran Bahtera Adhiguna is directed to focus on transporting coal to PLTU-PLTU PLN. PT PBM Adhiguna Putera as a subsidiary of PT Pelayaran Bahtera Adhiguna supports its parent activities and shifts to loading and unloading activities for coal carriers. In addition, the Company also carries out Agency, EMKL, and Tug Assist activities (starting in 2011).
In line with the Shipping Law no. 17 2008 where port management must have a Port Business Entity (BUP) permit. PT PBM Adhiguna Putera has applied for and obtained a permit as a Port Business Entity based on the Decree of the Minister of Transportation No. KP 762 of 2012 dated July 30, 2012 so that legally PT PBM Adhiguna Putera as a Port Business Entity has fulfilled the requirements to support port/terminal services, especially for PLTU owned by PLN. In 2012 PT PBM Adhiguna Putera started to carry out Jetty Management activities.
In 2017 PT PBM Adhiguna Putera was taken over by the Pension Fund of PT PLN (Persero), with the composition of share ownership of the Pension Fund of PT PLN (Persero) 75%, PT BAg 24.95% and Kopkar PT BAg 0.05%. Based on the composition of the shares, PT PLN (Persero) Pension Fund becomes the majority shareholder.
In 2018 PT PBM Adhi Guna Putera added business activities outside the Port sector, namely Logistics, Dredging, and the construction of Temporary Jetty. In 2019, PT PBM Adhi Guna Putera's business activities included Jetty Management, Unloading, Tug Assist, STS/Transhipment, Agency, EMKL, Logistics, Dredging, and Temporary Jetty Development and changed its name to PT Adhi Guna Putera.
PT Adhi Guna Putera has a mission to provide high-quality, competitive and customer satisfaction-oriented services to support the smooth flow of goods at the port, continue to support and develop itself towards the integration of Multi-modal Transport Operators (MTO) which is currently growing rapidly, in line with with the enactment of free trade later.
Organizing loading and unloading business services, ship agency, EMKL (Sea Ship Loading Expedition) and port services that are integrated and provide added value for shareholders.
To become a national logistics support company based on loading and unloading services and port businesses that are quality and competitive and oriented to customer satisfaction.
Corporate Culture
Prioritizing the best service at competitive rates and customer satisfaction with a high level of competence and relying on a sense of togetherness that can build a conducive working climate and atmosphere.